Reservations range from $65-$95 per guest (depending on river and group size).

Please call to confirm your trip after booking online.

Tubing reservations must be made by email or telephone to confirm availability. Available only at low, slow, and safe water flows.

TERMS: All reservations must be confirmed by River Riders before finalized. Departures proceed rain or shine except when conditions are hazardous, in which case trips will be rescheduled. Please understand that when a reservation is made with Riverrider.com it is a commitment for us to hold space for you and possibly turn others away from that particular trip date. If you decide to cancel, it can be difficult for us to rebook a trip, especially trip cancellations close to the departure date. With this in mind we must be firm in adhering to the following cancellation/ refund policy. There are no exceptions to these terms. There are no refunds on cancellations made 15 or fewer days prior to your trip date. If you miss your trip we will reschedule another trip but a rescheduling fee will be charged. You may, however, substitute another person with no penalty. We regret we cannot make exceptions for personal emergencies or illness. For this reason we urge our guests to purchase trip cancellation insurance when making reservations.

Fields marked with an * are required

General Information

Desired Date *
How will your guests be paying? *

Contact Details


Payment Method

Enter your payment method below. Leave blank if you will be paying at a later date.

Card Type

Leavenworth: 509-668-RAFT (7238) / 509-548-4575
Hood River OR: 541-386-RAFT (7238)
Toll Free: 1-800-448-RAFT (7238)

RiverRider.com Reservations
10860 Hwy 2
Leavenworth WA 98826
